Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Be Unmovable- Philip Helmintoller

"To become unmovable, only happens when Word is revealed by the Holy Spirit. There are some things in life that are up for debate. They can be changed or altered by others and their influence, or by the Holy Spirit revealing it to you through them. Sometimes, its a moment alone with Him that changes your view on a topic, or makes you rethink a position. But when an explosion comes into your spirit, from His, an uprooting takes place in your being... and you know, you are forever changed. Oh how I wish that upon all of you. An infilling of the Holy Ghost, where life never looks the same and revelation overtakes you and your circumstance and makes you UNMOVABLE! Ask for this revelation in all that you do! Amen!"- Philip Helmintoller

God is Closer than ever- Philip Helmintoller

You know when you do something that pulls you away from His presence, you feel awful and wish you could get it back? Well GOOD NEWS!, He is closer than ever! There is nothing you have ever done or will do that can separate you from Him or His love!. When you screw up, He knew you were going to, its no surprise to Him at all. And He already removed it from you before you were born. Rest and run into His promise that you are His Righteousness! You can never be anything less than perfect to Him. Do not be fooled by satan's lies. You did not go away from God when you fell... you've never moved. Because you never fell! Everything you do in life was already paid for! RUN to His promise! Rest in His promise... you are His promise. Do not be robbed by the devil! You His Child! And the sin in you sinned, not you! (Rom. 7:20) You are still sin free before Him! God still reigns! Make His Word, the thing you believe, not the sin and its result! I love you all and hope this reaches your heart in time of need. Selah

The Power of walking in His Word...Philip Helmintoller

Oh that you might hear me today. We the believer walk in unmatchable authority here in this world. We have the Holy Spirit that dwells on the inside of us and His Word! The Holy Spirit, is the power of God! And His Word is what the Holy Spirit brings to past! You with me? WE HAVE BOTH!! Mark 11:22-24 "...Have faith in God. For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe those things which he saith shall come to pass: he shall have whatsoever things he saith. Therefore I say unto you, what things soever ye desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and ye shall have them!” Let's look at the verse, “have faith in God”, when analyzed this verse actually should be read "have the faith OF God". We have the faith of God himself dwelling on the inside of us, in and through the person of the Holy Spirit! We also have the spoken Word of God, called the Bible. When we stand in the faith that's been given to us by the Holy Spirit, and through our covenant of salvation, and speak His Word... We shall have whatsoever things we say we have!
What mountains are in your way? What obstacles are you facing that seem greater than you're able to bare? Speak the Word by faith so that he may remove them! You are spirit being, you are a joint heir with Christ Jesus, you are a son and daughter of the living God, you are one with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit! And He has given you all authority to change your circumstance! So say unto your mountain be removed. Say to your sycamine tree, be cast up by the roots! You have the Word of God in you. So stand in your authority and watch your circumstances change!

Get Ready for God to Move- Philip Helmintoller

God is ready now to fulfill His Word in your life! He's only waiting on you to give Him the go ahead. And that means your choosing His Word over the situation. You see, His Word defines His will! And His will is the only thing hes promised. So take the time to find His will in His Word, so it will overtake your life. For example; "...my God shall supply all of your needs..." Phil 4:19 Clearly stated... your needs are met. Yet its the thing your worried about. So how then do we make His will come to pass? 
Looking at your life, it may look like your needs wont be met, but His Word says it will. Here is the answer... Don't look at your circumstance, look only at the Word. Write down the verse on a small piece of paper and carry it with you. Then be prepared to use it regularly. Its your shield, its your strength, its your weapon. By reading it, it builds your faith, so its your strength. By seeing it, its renewing your mind, so its your shield. And by proclaiming it... its your weapon! Hold fast to His Word! Every time your circumstances are saying they are going to win... pull out your hidden verse... and proclaim "my God shall supply all of my needs..." 
This principle works with every promise of God. Including the ones that apply to money and health! If I were giving you individual counseling, I would say start with what you think your ready to believe Him for, but the real answer is that they are all the same to Him. :)
So take a moment... find your verse... and get ready for God to move!

Philip Helmintoller

What is Salvation?
Daily Devotional

Be Unmovable- Philip Helmintoller

"To become unmovable, only happens when Word is revealed by the Holy Spirit. There are some things in life that are up for debate. They...